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General Information DATES: Saturday, July 29, 2017: 3-Way Formation Skydiving Sunday, July 30, 2017: Sport Accuracy and Canopy Piloting No weather dates SITE: Brown’s Airport, Weeping Water, NE - View map TIMES: Check-in: 8 a.m. Competition begins: 9 a.m. COMPETITION FORMAT: Two rounds of competition (weather permitting). Formation Skydiving is a 3 way team, plus camera person. Teams are responsible for providing their own camera person. Sport Accuracy is two rounds of competition. Canopy Piloting is two rounds of competition. REQUIREMENTS: All participants must show proof of age 19 years or older, USPA membership, an A license or foreign equivalent, and reserve and packing data card must be in date during check-in. Events Formation Skydiving Open (Any number of jumps) Intermediate (Team average jumps cannot exceed 1,000 jumps per jumper) Vertical Formation Skydiving Open (Any number of jumps, scramble format) Classic Accuracy: Square Open (1,000 or more jumps) Advanced (501 – 999 jumps) Intermediate B (205-500 jumps) Beginner A (25-249 jumps) Canopy Accuracy: Round Open (Any round parachute, Any number of jumps) Canopy Piloting/Zone Accuracy Open (Any parachute, i.e., crossed braced or non cross-braced) Intermediate (Any canopy that is not cross-braced) NOTE: In interest of fair competition, teams need to review the dive pool and enter at the appropriate level. View the Complete Event Details for a full list of divisions and events. Registration Fees & Deadlines REGISTER BY THE DISCOUNT DEADLINE OF WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21: First event - $27 Additional events - $5 REGISTER BETWEEN JUNE 22 AND JULY 5: First event - $32 Additional events - $5 MULTI-EVENT DISCOUNT NOTE: If registering for multiple events, all entries must occur in the same transaction to receive the multi-event discount. ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Competition in the 2017 Cornhusker State Games; White cotton athlete shirt (micro-fiber upgrade available); Pass for free admission to SportFest, the Opening Ceremonies, and all competition venues; 2017 Nebraska Sports Council Yearbook (available at packet pickup); Sponsor gifts and coupons. PAPER ENTRY FORMS: Paper entry forms will be accepted with a $5 processing fee. Registering online saves time, money and trees. Further Information Sport Specific Questions: Contact Sport Skydiving Director Mark Kolesik at [email protected] or 402-770-2236. Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or [email protected].
RCPT-USA Sponsors and Friends
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Copyrighted Round Canopy Parachuting Team - USA RCPT-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. [email protected]