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Round Canopy parachuting team - usa

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Current and Qualified Parachutists:
RCPT Member, military or government trained parachutists, or approved civilian steerable round canopy static line jump program graduate, who have jumped a round steerable canopy, with one (1) steerable round canopy static line parachute jump within the last 240 days are eligible to jump at RCPT-USA events (excluding airshows). 

Currency- A jumper is current if they have made one static line steerable round canopy jump within the last 240 days.  Jumpers must present a proper jump log to show currency at all events. 


Basic Airborne Refresher (BAR) vs Exteneded Airborne Refresher (EAR)-  Jumpers who have jumped a steerable round canopy before, but are not current will be required to take either the Extended Airborne Refresher (EAR) or Basic Airborne Refresher (BAR) prior to jumping with RCPT-USA. 

BAR is for already qualified static line round canopy jumpers who are either current military round static line jumpers who need to be trained on the MIRPS-SLCP reserve, or  who have not jumped with 240 days and:

      1. Have jumped round static line canopy within the last two years and
      2. Are experienced with steerable canopies, and
      3. Have jumped with RCPT or another RCPT recognized organization (NATO military, ADT, LJT, X-35, etc.) within the last 5 years.

    EAR is for jumpers who have been to a Basic Airborne Course and:

    1. Have not jumped round static line canopy within the last two years or
    2. Are not experienced with steerable canopies, or
    3. Have not jumped round static line canopy with RCPT or another recognized organization (NATO military, ADT, LJT, X-35, etc.) within the last 5 years.
    EAR is also suitable for qualified free fall jumpers wishing to transition to round static line steerable canopies.

    Airshow Requirements:

    US Airshows -- Jumpers must be RCPT members, have jumped within the last 90 days a parachute of the same type as will be used at the airshow, have completed at least 35 static line round canopy parachute jumps in the past (not necessarily with RCPT-USA), have a current (less than two years old) RCPT-USA Medical Clearance Form on file with RCPT-USA, have the appropriate uniform for the airshow (generally M42 jump uniform, M1C paratrooper helmet with swivel bale and concussion pad, and brown jump boots), be approved by the team for that airshow (including possibly demonstrating sufficient accuracy), and any other requirements the Airborne Commander (ABC) for the airshow puts out.

    Foreign Airshows (Normandy, Netherlands, Canada, etc.) -- as put out by the airshow coordinator for that airshow.  May include different currency requirements, different total jump requirements, inusrance requirements, etc.

    Basic Jump and Extended Refresher Candidates:

        If you are a previously trained jumper registering for the EAR, we will need either a copy of your DD-214, airborne training certificate, hazardous duty (jump) orders, or parachutist badge orders showing you are airborne qualified. Additionally, we encourage you to send jump logs to help the cadre assess your level of experience.

         Candidates may NOT BE over the age of 65 without an RCPT-USA waiver.  Candidate over 55 need their primary care provider to sign off on the RCPT-USA Medical Clearance Form. It can be found on the website in the members resource area. You must submit a copy of this form prior to the start of training.

         We fully understand the warrior spirit and your desire to parachute. That’s why we’re all here! It isn’t just about your desire to jump though. We take your safety very seriously. Unfortunately, injuries are not always avoidable and affect not only the jumper, but everyone involved. We are asking you to take a good hard look at yourself and ensure you are not only mentally prepared to train but that you are physically able to train.

        We ask that all jumpers, at a minimum, ensure they are physically capable of performing the following essential tasks in order to safely participate in round canopy parachuting activities:

      - Weigh no more than 240 lbs.
      - Jump down from a 24 inch tall platform and roll onto the ground.
      - Recover to a standing position from lying face up, without assistance or difficulty.  
      - Raise arms over head to reach, firmly grasp and pull a steering toggle or riser (+/-10 lbs of force).
      - Carry one’s own parachute equipment unassisted (weighing ∼50 lbs).  
      - Be able to transfer from sitting on the ground to standing, stand for ∼15 minutes at a time and walk for a distance of ∼100 yards while wearing one’s own parachute equipment.

    International Guests:
    If you are an international RCPT member, foreign jumpmaster, or have graduated from an allied military training course and wish to jump with RCPT-USA, please contact us about qualifications and currency. We do have many international members, this is not a barrier to participation and you are welcome to attend our events!


    All personal parachuting equipment must be presented for inspection prior to RCPT-USA jump operations.  Final determination of suitability for jumping will be made by RCPT-USA's Lead JM and/or RCPT-USA's Safety Officer

    Parachutes and Reserves:
    MC1-1C/D, SF-10A, SET10 parachutes with MIRPS are available at events.  Riggers are available during events to pack parachutes.  Personal gear is acceptable as long as they are steerable round canopy static line parachutes using a direct bag deployment system (SF-10A, MC1-1, SET-10, MC-6, and MC-7). NO modified parachute systems are allowed at RCPT-USA events.

    FAA regulations require that all Reserve parachutes be inspected and repacked by an FAA certified parachute rigger every 180 days.

    Suitable options include the M1 helmet with swivel bales, Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), OpsCore BASE or FAST, Team Wendy, Revision, Pro-Tec, Crye Airframe, PT Helmets, and PASGT.  Bump helmets are recommended, due to weight ballistic hemets are discouraged but allowed.

    No HHV magnetic chinstrap buckles may be used.  All chinstrap connections (buckles) must be mechanical.

    Airsoft helmets are not suitable for parachuting!


    Airshows and demonstration jumps may require specific uniform items (such as M1942 or M1943 uniforms).

    Participants at training events are welcome to wear any military uniform or appropriate civilian attire suitable for parachuting (pants, long sleeves, and boots). 


    Jumpmaster Requirements:

    RCPT-USA has three pathways to becoming an RCPT-USA JM.  All JMs must be members of the team and participate at least annually in RCPT-USAs JM refresher (JMR) and standardization course held during our semi-annual training events.  

    Potential RCPT-USA JMs must be team members and have jumped with RCPT-USA prior to attending any JMR.  JMs should be familiar with RCPT-USA’s Airborne Standard Operating Procedures (ASOP)(see: Members Resources section).   JMR is used as our onboarding process for incoming JMs, even if they are current from their source organization.

    Accepted forms of JM training:

    1- have attended a US Army JM Course

    2- Complete the RCPT-USAs JM course-  RCPT-USA JM course is a self paced program which follows DoD guidelines and require candidates to demonstrate competency in all aspects of an airborne operation.

    3- Provide proof of training from an approved JM program outside of the DoD and meet our onboarding criteria.  Non-DOD trained JMs must demonstrate competency by challenging the testing requirements required of RCPT-USAs JM candidates.

    Once this task has been satisfactorily completed, JM's may be allowed to perform JM duties during RCPT-USA events. 


    It is incumbent on individual jumpers to understand and acknowledge that "Parachuting Activities" and flying, may involve unavoidable dangers including, lacerations, abrasions, fractures, disfigurement, loss of limbs and/or function, loss of sight and death.  RCPT-USA does not carry insurance to cover individual jumpers.

    Participants knowingly accept all risk related to Parachuting Activities, no matter the aircraft, time, place or weather. Likewise, Parachuting Activities may involve vintage but airworthy aircraft and vehicles with no guarantee of perfect function or errorless pilotage. Jumpers understand that they may be injured or suffer a fatality during Parachuting Activities.

    Participants understand they must sign and agree to any and all waivers and waive all claims against the organization resulting from participation in Parachuting Activities.

    THEREFORE RCPT-USA STRONGLY encourages ALL PARTICIPANTS to carry adequate personal insurance coverage or purchase the appropriate personal liability and medical coverage that will cover jumpers in the event of injury or death. Extreme sport insurance coverage may be purchased from companies such as but not limited to, World Nomads, Squaremouth, Xinsurance, Seven Corners, or the company of your choice.   

    Official Pet Policy at RCPT-USA Events

    Purpose:  As RCPT-USA has grown in membership and popularity, its members and spectators have increasingly brought their pets out to enjoy the events with them. There have been a few incidents that have highlighted the risks at recent events. In light of these incidents, we are no longer able to accept the risk. While we understand the deep bond between pets and their owners, the safety of our members and our tenure on the Kay Larkin Airport at Palatka necessitate this policy:

    1. There are dogs that live or regularly spend long durations of time at the airfield. They have been conditioned to the dangers and the limitations they must remain within allowing safe operation around aircraft. The owners and names of these specific pets will be maintained by the RCPT BoD.
    2. All other dogs, or other pets, including service dogs, brought to any event by RCPT members or their guests, whether at the hangars or Skydive Palatka, must be physically restrained with a leash, tied up, or in a cage, crate, or other restraining device/structure. The animals indicated in the above paragraph are the only exceptions to this requirement.
    3. Jumpers actively engaged in drawing, donning, removing, or turning in parachutes, students undergoing training, as well as jumpmasters conducting Jumpmaster Personnel Inspections (JMPI) will not be tethered to nor responsible for restraining dogs. 
    4. Anyone witnessing or a victim of an incident should report the incident promptly to the Vice President, Sergeant at Arms, or the Safety Officer.
    5. Any incidence of physical attack or other uncontrolled behavior will result in the animal and the owner being asked to leave the airfield. The animal determined to pose a safety hazard (aggressive, uncontrolled, or other behavior of concern) will be banned permanently. The RCPT BoD will maintain a roster of banned animals. The owner may not return to the airfield for that event until the animal is housed off premises in a legal and humane manner. The owner may be asked to provide proof the animal is legally and humanely housed or cared for. The Vice President, or his appointed action officer, will determine the facts surrounding any incident or designate someone to do so. That person will make a recommendation to the President and Vice President or the board for disposition of the matter.
    6. The owner of Skydive Palatka, Mr. Art Shaffer, as the tenant of the airfield and therefore responsible party, is the final adjudication authority in the event of any dispute.

    RCPT-USA Sponsors and Friends


    Copyrighted Round Canopy Parachuting Team - USA
    RCPT-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  [email protected]    

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