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Round Canopy parachuting team - usa

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Skyfest 2019

  • 12 Oct 2019
  • 07:00 - 15:00
  • 3149 Smith Creek Rd, Smithfield, North Carolina 27577


  • Must be RCPT-USA approved personnel. DZSO and DZ support team will calculate release point based on prevailing winds and PI and mark the RP. Communicate and control aircraft on jump run. Perform all required prejump checks and ensure conditions are safe to release jumpers.
  • Must have 35 round canopy jumps and the last jump must have been on or after 14 July, 2019. parachuting essential equipment only, No additional equipment may be worn by the jumper.
    Uniform is M42s, Brown Jump boots, and jumpable steel pot.
  • Must be an RCPT-USA approved Jumpmaster. JM's may be called upon to perform non-jumping duties such as safety. Must have 35 round canopy jumps and the last jump must have been on or after 14 July, 2019. parachuting essential equipment only, No additional equipment may be worn by the jumper. Uniform is M42s, Brown Jump boots, and jumpable steel pot.

Registration is closed

RCPT-USA will be part of the first annual Skyfest NC airshow in Smithfield, North Carolina, October 12, 2019.

Skyfest is a 1 day event 12 OCT 2019. Jumpers are to arrive NLT 0730  Oct 12 with all equipment and uniforms prepared to jump that day at noon. There is an opportunity for 1 jump only. 

Uniform is M1942, Brown Jump Boots, Steel pot, and SF10/MC6, or MC1, SET10 plus MIRPS SCLP reserve.

Jumpers MAY NOT jump any additional equipment.

Jump aircraft is contracted to be a CASA 212. Understand that number of jumpers may be modified at any time, AC wants 12 jumpers for one load at 12 noon.

Lodging and food are not provided by the Airshow, you are responsible for your own transportation to and from the show. This is a Demo jump so you must meet he LOA requirements to make a  jump which is a 35 jump minimum, 1 round canopy jump in the last 90 days prior to the event (Since July 14, 2019).

For questions please contact Skyshark at [email protected]

RCPT-USA Sponsors and Friends


Copyrighted Round Canopy Parachuting Team - USA
RCPT-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  [email protected]    

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