OPERATION BLACK CAT IV- Break out your Tiger Stripes and OG107s, RCPT-USA will be holding our fall training and proficiency event at Kay Larkin Field, Palatka, Florida from 26 October- 1 November 2020 in honor of our Vietnam Veterans.

Hosted by RCPT-USA
Main Aircraft - UH1 Huey Helicopter
Guest Speaker: Former Vietnam POW Bill Arcuri CPT(ret) B-52 pilot shot down and parachuted over Cambodia.
Jumpers - Event Fee - $50 (Fee includes: T-Shirt, Hanger Rental and Port-a-lets, and water) for straphangers and current jumpers. If you have not jumped within 180 days of the event and are a current RCPT member please sign up for the BAR to be completed prior to your jump activities.
Basic Round Canopy Parachuting Course -CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL, INTERESTED CANDIDATES MAY REGISTER ON THE WAIT LIST AS A STANDBY - $525 (must be RCPT-USA Member- must join team prior to registration) 27-30 October 2020. Instruction is for members who have no round canopy jump experience or have had an extended break from round canopy jumping and needs in-depth training in round steerable canopies (SF-10/MC6, MC1, or SET 10 type canopies). Total cost for the course is $525, which includes professional instruction, a reference manual, parachute rental 5 jumps, 5 repacks from our on-site rigger service, and 5 lift tickets on the Cessna 182 and the events main aircraft. After completing the first jump course, you will receive a RCPT-USA Certificate of Completion, RCPT-USA wings and enter the world of round canopy parachuting.
Extended Airborne Refresher (EAR)- CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL, INTERESTED CANDIDATES MAY REGISTER ON THE WAIT LIST AS A STANDBY $200, 27-29 October 2020. For new RCPT-USA members wishing to jump with RCPT-USA with prior steerable round canopy experience. This 2 jump Refresher Course is for jumpers who have been to a Basic Airborne Course, who are not on current active duty jump orders, or who have never jumped with RCPT-USA and have not jumped in the last 180 days. This 3 day course runs congruently with the basic round canopy parachuting course and will update jumper on current SF-10A parachutes and jump procedures in order to prepare them for 2 jumps at the end of the course. The course price includes professional instruction, a reference manual, jump fee, parachute rental, and parachute repacking for two jumps. At the conclusion of the Extended Airborne Refresher the jumper is free to attend and jump at the event as they so choose.
Basic Airborne Refresher (BAR)- (Free Returning Member benefit) 30 October 2019. BAR is for returning RCPT-USA members only who have not jumped in the last 180 days but have participated in RCPT-USA jump events in the past. You must register for the event as a jumper/strap hanger in order to register for BAR. This course will update the jumper on current SF-10A parachutes and jump procedures, to prepare them for a jump at the end of the course. This course is for returning RCPT-USA members who have jumped with RCPT-USA before. If you are new to RCPT-USA this is not the refresher for you.
Training is for members only, membership registration must be completed separately.
Intentional Water Jump- We are closing the event 1 Nov. 2020 with a water jump into the St John's River. Jumpers must be registered for Operation Black Cat IV Cost is $200. Fee includes team MC1 series mains and reserve parachutes which will need to be washed and dried within 24 hours prior to repacking or risk being unservicable. All jumpers will be required to wear a USCG approved personal flotation device. Jumpers are responsible to bring their own PFD. ALL jumpers for the deliberate water jump must have current (within the last 12 months) water jump training. RCPT-USA will run the wet canopy classes throughout the week, as time, personnel, and resources permit. No combat equipment. No helmets. Jumpers must wear shoes and clothes that are suitable for water activities (swim trunks or shorts), won't come off, or present a hazard in the aircraft or the air - so no swim fins or flip flops. Recommended jumpers not wear boots. Registration code required for registration for water jump. Registration code will be sent to registered jumpers when the manifest for the water jump is opened.