JUMPERS HIT IT! On September 18, 2021, Jefferson City, Missouri will be honoring paratroopers and veterans of WWII by converting a part of the airport into a French street in remembrance of the liberation of France that began with the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944. RCPT-USA will be performing two C-47 jumps from Placid Lassie to add an exciting component to this event. RCPT-USA needs 12 current and qualified jumpers and 8 support staff to support this event. Transportation to and from the event will be the responsibility of the member. The jumps, hotels, event admission, and some meals will be provided by the event.
This is an AIR EVENT and as such jumpers must be RCPT-USA member. Jumpers must have jumped a round canopy within the last 180 days (again this is and air event and not an airshow). Jumpers must have at least 35 round canopy static line jumps and be approved for events by our Safety and Training Officer. If you are unsure contact Rick Randall or RCPT-USA to confirm your eligibility. Jumpers may jump their own parachute and reserves. Reserves must be packed by FAA rigger and in date (180 days), parachutes will be available if you do not own your own. Some packing stations will be available for packing.
UNIFORM: M42s, brown jump boots, and steel pots. No extra equipment may be jumped.
Jumpers must arrive NLT midnight Friday and be ready for pre-jump training with all equipment and in proper uniform at 0730 Saturday the 18th. Name of hotel will be released in the coming days.
RCPT-USA Sponsors and Friends
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Copyrighted Round Canopy Parachuting Team - USA RCPT-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. rcptusa.org [email protected]