Hardrock Charlie Summit 2025
RCPT-USA is proud to host the 2025 Hardrock Charlie Summit. This is a closed event for members of Hardrock Charlie. Jumpers must obtain a registration code from Hardrock Charlie in order to register for this event.
In 2020, a small group of Rangers planned a water jump in Tavares, Florida. It was a chance for the guys to get together for a little fun. Word got out and more Rangers joined the jump list. Within a few weeks, we had a reunion on our hands. It seemed like everyone was interested in an organized event as a chance to catch up with one another.
The reunion turned out to be so much more than a water jump and a few beers. Quick glances turned into big grins and bro hugs. A bunch of brothers talking about how “happy” they were to be together again. It was then that our group recognized that connecting and supporting fellow Rangers needs to happen within the immediate brotherhood at the Company level.
We fully acknowledge that there are numerous Veteran organizations in existence who do great things. But they are often broad in scope and far reaching, missing the small unit connection shared within SOCOM. We took the observations of one of our own, General Daniel B. Allyn, realizing how true it was: “As an Officer, the last chance to directly impact individual troops was as a Company Commander.” His words resonated with us, and we realized that among those in attendance at the reunion, with many moving on to different units or civilian careers, that the common denominator was being “raised” in C Co. 1/75. And we fully know that this sentiment is felt through all the Companies and Battalions within the 75th Ranger Regiment….and we are here for all.
To impact and affect the health and welfare of those warriors who served to our left and right, where better to focus our efforts than at the most familiar level possible? No one knows us better than the brothers we were raised with, and it is our mission to make the reconnection among us. In 2020, it was obvious it was needed. And here we are….and here we go!
RCPT-USA Sponsors and Friends
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Copyrighted Round Canopy Parachuting Team - USA RCPT-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. rcptusa.org [email protected]